Approaching the summer holidays in the U.K. means getting ready for our daily weather guessing game. Will we bask in the sun's warmth or relish the refreshing rain showers? Should we opt for a t-shirt and light raincoat or a thin knit and sunglasses? (First World problems, right?)
Regardless of the weather, the summer break often offers unique opportunities to break free from our usual routines and embrace a spirit of adventure and discovery, whether close to home or far away. The finer weather and longer days encourages us to step out of our comfort zones and dash those routines which, in turn, promotes personal growth.
By shaking off the shackles of the familiar we allow space for a few risks, a bit of abandon, a venture into the unknown. Growth occurs when we choose it but we cannot grow in our comfort zones, we have to courageously peer around the corners and choose to step out.
Change, like the seasons, is inevitable, but whether you embrace it is up to you.
So here is your Bless This Mess Post-It note; make sure to stick it on your fridge.

I am about to embark on a big ol' chunk of change this summer as I am eloping to New York with my most wonderful hubby-to-be next week, so this is the final Bless This Mess blog until September.
Thank you to all the new subscribers and thank you to all those who have read the blogs so far and for your lovely feedback.
Have a lovely summer of changes and growth and see you in September for some more blessings of messiness.